Artist: Song:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #

Songs in the Key of F#/Gb Major:

Walker HayesFancy Like375
SlayerPerversions of Pain375
Alannah MylesBlack Velvet374
Giovannie and the Hired GunsOverrated374
Rick AstleyYou Move Me373
TotoThe Turning Point373
GlorianaThe Way It Goes373
Three 6 MafiaSlob On My Knob372
The Smashing PumpkinsStarz369
Casting CrownsGlory369
Wynonna JuddIs It Over Yet368
Toni BraxtonLong as I Live367
SiaBurn the Pages367
Frankie LymonWhy Do Fools Fall In Love366
DiddyLast Night365
Ted NugentDetroit Muscle365
SalivaMy Goodbyes365
Theory of a DeadmanBy the Way363
BroodsLife After363
Gracie AbramsFeels Like362
The ScriptRain362
LÄ«veSelling The Drama359
Ryan FarishClearwater358
Darius RuckerFor the First Time357
Jessie James DeckerWho's Lovin You356
貴水博之Gimmick Zone355
Dirty HoneyCalifornia Dreamin’354

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